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Hanuman was impressed with Surya (Sun) since childhood. When he grew up, he chose Surya as his Guru. So one day, he asked Surya (Sun) to be his teacher -” You see everything there is to see in the universe and you know everything there is to know. Please accept me as your student.” But Surya refused. Surya said, “I don’t have time to teach you.  I am always moving. I can’t stop to teach you. How can you learn when I am always moving so fast? ” “I will keep up with you. I will fly in front of your chariot, facing you and you can please teach me without your work getting affected “replied Hanuman. “You won’t be able to keep up with my pace. I move at a very high speed“replied Surya. But Hanuman continued to insist and seeing Hanuman’s dedication and resolve, Surya agreed to be his teacher. Hanuman positioned himself facing Surya, and started moving at the same speed as Surya. Surya appreciated Hanuman’s persistence and eagerness to learn. Within weeks, Surya taught four books of knowledge (the Vedas), the six systems of philosophies (darshanas), the sixty-four arts (kalas) and the one hundred and eight occult mysteries of the Tantras to Hanuman. When Hanuman‘s education was over, he asked Surya what was his Guru- Dakshina (gift offered to Guru as respect)? Surya said, “I want nothing.  Watching a devoted student learn well is the biggest Guru Dakshina“. “In that case, I can only offer you my gratitude and Namaskas (respectful greetings),” replied Hanuman. And so – the Surya Namaskar was born as Hanuman’s Guru Dakshina to Surya. Some say that Hanuman’s backward-moving trajectory was the origin of Surya Namaskar (sun salutes).  While performing the movements of surya namaskar, one winds up at the back and then have to return to the front in order to continue the series.

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