You are currently viewing HANUMAN


“But what is the reason?” I asked the Jailer, not trying to hide my disappointment.   

“Some females don’t want it.” He said in a resigned tone.

It was a big blow to our project.

“So… they are okay with the weekend classes or they don’t want even that?”

“Weekend classes are fine. They just don’t want the Hanuman murti in their Jail. “Said the jailer.

I was hugely disappointed. From picking up the Hanuman murti, to getting it painted, I had been so excited about everything. The final Hanuman murti was looking so pretty.

“Hanumanji does not want to go inside the prison, Ritu-ji.” He tried to sound funny.

“Right. Who are we, only what He wants will happen.” I noticed that I was quite bitter about how things had turned out.

“It’s all right. When it’s not in our control, we shouldn’t think much.” The Jailer tried to console me.

After a while, I left the Hanuman murti in the Jailer’s office and left.

Next few hours were not easy for me. But then gradually, it dawned upon me that Hanuman murti or no Hanuman murti, it doesn’t change a thing. My love for the inmates remains the same. They don’t want something I wanted. That simple.

I started preparing for our weekly class.

Two days later, I received a whatsapp message from the Jailer– “The inmates are excited about the Hanuman Murti. Can you visit the male prison next week? Rather, I have been thinking since a while, that you should conduct your classes in the male prison as well. “

Male prison? 3500 inmates. And I never planned it.

This Saturday, along with my regular visit to the female prison, I would be visiting the male prison for the first time — to look for a place for Hanuman murti and meet my new friends.

Excited and a bit nervous!!

Ram Ram

— R

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