Hanuman Prison Project

“Hanuman Prison Project” is our contemplative prison project – with love, compassion and faith as its guiding principles. We emphasize a lot on listening to the inmates, and sharing loving presence.

The Hanuman Prison Project is designed with inspiration and supportive guidance of Sita Lozoff from “Prison Ashram Project”. The Prison Ashram Project, now administered by Human Kindness Foundation, was started in 1973 by Bo and Sita Lozoff, in cooperation with the spiritual teacher Ram Dass, to encourage convicts to use meditation and other spiritual teachings, turning their prison time into an ashram-like experience.

“Hanuman Prison Project” attempts to address stress, anxiety and sense of shame in the inmates by constructively utilizing their idle time inside prison, and aims at bringing positive changes of well-being among the inmates. With the collective efforts of Jail administration and our foundation, we endeavor to transform the inmates’ period inside prison into a period of growth, thus making them live a more fulfilled life – both inside the prison and when they join the outside world.

We organise regular medical camps, mental health awareness events, meditation workshops, fun activities, Hanuman Chalisa Chanting, Kirtans and Ramayan / Sundar Kand paath (recitation) inside the prison.

We also run a Pen-Pal Project inside prison, wherein we receive letters from prison inmates – sharing their thoughts and concerns. We reply to them and in some cases, if necessary, arrange for counselling sessions. We offer our presence and loving compassion.

You can support “Hanuman Prison Project “through your donations.  You can also support us by starting your own fundraiser for “Hanuman Prison Project”.

For any queries, please write to us at info@hanumanseva.org.